Hey, I just finished reading Raven's of Avalon by Diana L. Paxson. It's an expansion/back story to Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon series ... and wow! I could not put this down. I kept reading very late into the night/early in the am.
It's the life of Boudica, the Celtic Queen, from youth through motherhood and on as she transforms into the Red-Warrior Queen of the British tribes.
This is a really fabulous piece of storytelling, weaving legend, magick and history. Ms. Paxson's attention to the details of ornament, dress, dwelling and community behaviors is astounding and engages you in every aspect of the tale. There are several powerful, lyrical magickal rites and invocations that I intend to weave into my practice of Witchcraft, with attribute given to Diana Paxson of course!
Here's a little taste of one of the magickal rites, Boudica's wedding (verbatim quote - page 112 hardcover)
As her mother led Boudica forward, the boys began to sing-
"You are the moon among the stars,
You are the foam upon the wave,
You are the lily among the flowers,
You are the spark that starts the flame,
You are the beloved."
Prasutagos, dressed in a splendid fringed cloak checked in seven colors over a tunic and braes striped in blue and red, emerged from the crowd of men to stand beside her as the maidens who escorted
Bodica replied -
"You are the sun above the clouds,
You are the wave that strikes the shore,
You are the oak within the wood,
You are the torch that lights the hall,
You are the beloved."
What a beautiful litany to begin a Handfasting!
Ms. Paxson is a practitioner of Asatru and a really marvelous writer, as well as a kind and generous person!
Her kindred website is http//www.hrafnar.org
Thank you, Diana Paxson!
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