Wytchwood site

Wytchwood Witchcraft and Magick

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Peacock Lord Feri Friday

Friday, April 26th 2013 at 7 pm

  • Our dear friend, Dominic, has consented to share the Peacock Lord with us this night. sign up soon, space is limited
    In the Great Grove at Dragondale in Boulder Creek, California

    Workshop fee is sliding scale $25 - $35.
    Advance registration required
    Registered attendees will receive address and directions
    go to this page to register

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

finished eggs!
Ostara Eggs with natural dyes

...we did it!!!!!!!

I found this tutorial:http://bigsislilsis.com/2010/04/02/natural-dye-colored-easter-eggs/ and really wanted to our eggs this way to see how it worked.

I assembled the materials, started the dye baths and folks brought more leaves and flowers.
all ready to go!

Three Lovely folk in our circle joined me in the decorating on Sunday and 2 of them came back for the 'unveiling'.  We followed the directions with the exception of adding purple onionskins to the cranberry dye bath, which made the brown a much nicer color.  

Dipping the raw eggs in water and dipping the leaves and petals in water made them stick on the eggs more effectively.

many hands to get them into stockings
And we also found out it was nearly impossible for one person to slip the stretched nylon over the eggs delicately designed without moving the leaves and petals… so it became a two person four-handed process.

into the dye bath
On the ones that we allowed the leaves and petals to just be random turned out really marvelous.
out of the dye bath 3.5 hrs later

The other thing we did differently is that we did not rub or wash the eggs until the following day, when the dyes were completely set.  Before we oiled the eggs on the day after we dyed them, they were lovely but very subtle.

We used grape seed oil and it really made them quite stunning!

Monday, February 4, 2013

2013 here We Come!!!!

Brian Froud's Art
Ah Ha...the beginning of 2013 and many things are going well. 

2012 was a difficult year for many of us, containing hardship, loss and challenging transitions.  Lots of things got fairly scary for a while and much that we count as solid ground was shaking and rolling.

Shadowscapes Tarot - Stephanie Piu-Mun Law 
Things may still scare us and the ground will most certainly roll again.  However, I am facing this year with the clarity of my own divinity, that which we all have but sometimes forget to access.

I declare this year 2013 the Year of Success. 

What follow are my personal catchphrases and some links/images/quotes to illustrate my concepts.  

EnjoyYour Well-deserved Success!

Success in Love means loving yourself first.

Success in Business means always making ethical choices and knowing the difference.

Daily Success means waking up to each day and being happy to see promise and possibility. And sometimes being just a bit ‘mad’!
“Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad.”  
~Norm Papernick

Success in Spirit means being open to your own Divinity and becoming a conduit of both light and shadow.
Paul Rucker Art

Success in relationship means seeing folks as they truly are without judgment or control.   

Success in Life means finding pleasure in most everything.
“Pleasure is spread through the earth
In stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.”
~William Wordsworth, 1806