Wytchwood site

Wytchwood Witchcraft and Magick

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blessed Beltane 2008

Shifts and Changes as the days grow brighter and warmer....
I had the pleasure of celebrating Beltane twice this weekend. On Saturday, the 3rd, with Community Seed group. I joined with many folk in "dancing and drumming and singing up our creativity", which was the theme of this event.

Then on Sunday, the 4th, FireDrake Grove folks celebrated our Beltane here at Dragondale. The Hunters 'hunted' the pole and brought into the Circle where the Gatherers stroked it with magickal oils and topped it with a ring of ribbons before they stood it erect. It was then the task of the Hunters to entertain the Gatherers with tall stories, songs and boasts, which was very well done. The Gatherers then picked from the Hunters their favorite to become the "Jack-of-the-Green" and to be wrapped to the pole with the ribbons as we wove them, weaving the energy of our joy and laughter into the Earth. Our "jack-of-the-Green" this year was one of our newest participants who was having a birthday that very day and told a marvelous story. After releasing our "jack" by unwinding the ribbons to just above her head, we indulged in a sweet treat of puddings and wine. The puddings were presented on a platter with it's very own little Maypole, from which the spoons dangled on ribbons. Goddess praise our magnificent Cake Maker! The Circle was filled with beautiful folk splendidly topped with head wreaths we created before the ritual began. And ... we danced *barefoot* on a circle of grass planted as sod only 4 weeks previous. Hooray for the Green!

On Monday, I joined many other Feri folk and kin to celebrate Cora Anderson's life at a memorial service in her honour in Hayward. The shifts of her passing will ripple for some long time. Blessings to you, Cora, your gifts and your kindness will live on thru your Kin.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Cora's Beltane

To Cora
Dearest Grandmother,
May your light and love carry you to the wild dance;
And the swift sparkle of the Fae encompass you
on every journey you take.
Now your voice is released
To shower upon all whose ears are wide;
Into the deep, lush silence of Beltane
We listen.

Cora Anderson passed thru the veil at 1 am on 1st May, 2008. She had been sung to and surrounded by many of her beloved Feri kyn and was in no pain.  
She is reunited with her beloved Victor.
What is remembered lives.